Product Description
Stamox-Vet, Speed and endurance for your Racing Pigeons
Stamox Vet is a truly superior product.
It is the first pigeon sport product in history that has been approved by the laboratory accredited by the Olympic Committees world wide.
Stamox Vet is found to be completely safe and proven not to contain any substance classified as a drug or doping.
In fact this is exactly what Stamox Vet is doing to your pigeons. Stamox Vet has been tested on human athletes and racing horses with excellent results. Last season Stamox Vet was tested in pigeons with great results, and now also many fanciers in the Netherlands, Belgium, Malta, Portugal, South Africa, Australia have chosen to use Stamox Vet for their racing pigeons.
- Increase their speed by 2 - 3%
- Improve endurence by about 15%
- Increase the utilisation of oxgyen in the cells
- Increase the blood supply and flow to all organs
- Improve focus and mental alertness
- Increase the willingness to exercise
- In the weaining period leading up to the flying season
Three weeks before start, 1 or 2 days per week; give 1 teaspoon Stamox Vet per 2 litres of drinking water.
- For sprint / middle distance (1 night basket)
Evening before basketing + the day of basketing, give 1 teaspoon Stamox Vet per litre of drinking water.
- For middle distance / long distance (2 nights in the basket)
Last 2 nights before basketting, 1 teaspoon Stamox Vet per litre of drinking water.
- For long distance racing (3 nights in the basket)
Last 4 nights before basketing, give 1 teaspoon Stamox Vet per litre of drinking water.
- As a condition builder (4 weeks leading up to the long distance race). Each Monday and Tuesday give 1 teaspoon Stamox Vet per litre of drinking water.
- 200 gr
Stamox Vet is totally natural and healthy
Stamox Vet is made from an extract of red beetroots only. It is produced according to a patented method to reserve the beneficial micro nutrients. Stamox is a 100% natural food suppliment without any artificial additives or chemical changes.
The reason that Stamox Vet gives this astonishing effect is the following:
Scientists believe that Stamox Vet beetroot powder works by making energy production (in mitochondria) and muscle function more efficient. Evidence supporting these effects points to diverse mechanisms being responsible including increased formation of mitochondria (mitochondrial biogenesis), enhanced ATP formation at lower oxygen cost, increasing efficiency of mitochondrial respiration and conjunction with the improved metabolic efficiency of muscle contraction.
Needless to say, the quality of the beetroot powder is essential to get the good results. Stamox is standarized on the essential nutritial values, and is optimized to give the pigeons a best possible competitive edge. With Stamox Vet "medium performers", suddenly advances to "top performers", or in best case become "unexpected winners".